5 Tips on Taking Good Care of Your Tooth Implant

Tooth implant care

Homecare tips to help your implant last a lifetime.

Tooth implants, also called dental implants, are among the most effective treatment options for tooth replacement in most patients. They deliver outstanding strength and longevity, improving the quality of life of people with missing teeth. Here are a few important tips you should follow to take care of your implants.

1. Follow the 2-2 rule for brushing.

There are so many benefits to dental implants. But remember, the need for oral hygiene doesn’t stop after replacing natural teeth. Your tooth implants still require brushing to prevent disease and infection.

Everyone should follow the 2-2 rule when it comes to brushing. This simple rule states that you should brush your teeth for two minutes twice each day. This remains true with dental implants, and there are also some important points of technique to keep in mind.

Make sure to brush every side of each tooth—don’t focus on one area. Brush along the gumline as well, as you don’t want plaque building up and leading to gum disease. You might think you don’t need to brush tooth implants, but if anything, you should treat them with more care than natural teeth.

Most people will follow the 2-2 rule by brushing once in the morning and once at night. In the morning, you should brush before breakfast rather than after. While you might think that brushing immediately after eating is a good idea but it can actually harm your teeth; brushing right after eating acidic foods can damage your enamel.

2. Ensure  you’re flossing properly on a daily basis.

Flossing is just as important a part of your oral hygiene routine as brushing. However, it’s often overlooked, and many people aren’t aware of the proper flossing technique. Gum disease can take hold around implants just like it does with natural teeth. Taking the time to floss properly can help extend the life of your tooth implants.

When flossing, you should floss around every tooth. This removes bits of food, bacteria, and plaque that eventually lead to gum disease. Flossing between every tooth is vital, as you can’t reach those nooks and crannies while brushing. While it might take a bit longer, flossing is necessary to ensure your long-term oral health.

3. Consider using a nightguard.

Your dental implants are strong and durable, but they are still susceptible to damage and wear. One of the most serious threats is bruxism, the grinding or clenching of teeth during sleep. Grinding can cause wear and even chips or cracks in your dental implants and also damage your natural teeth.

A nightguard is a highly effective method to deal with grinding. You can get a custom nightguard from your dentist in Wilson, NC, to be worn while you sleep. This will prevent contact between the upper and lower teeth. Getting a nightguard from your dentist ensures the proper fit to provide comfort and protection.

4. Eat foods that help strengthen your jawbone.

Jawbone health is one of the most pressing concerns when it comes to missing teeth. Natural teeth apply pressure to the jawbone through the roots, stimulating growth and healing. When you lose teeth, the jawbone begins to deteriorate without that stimulation.

Dental implants are a preferred solution for missing teeth because they help preserve the jawbone. The implants are embedded in the jawbone, providing stimulation similar to natural teeth. However, you can also take more steps to ensure jaw strength.

Simply eating crunchy foods, such as raw vegetables, can help keep your jawbone strong. The exercise will help improve bone density, which keeps the foundation for your dental implants strong and reliable for years to come.

5. Keep up with regular dental appointments.

Regular dental appointments are essential with or without dental implants. Professional teeth cleaning removes plaque and tartar that lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Your dentist will also identify any signs of issues with your natural teeth and tooth implants.

Preventing gum disease is very important for individuals with dental implants, as the implant site can become infected. Routine visits to your dentist can ensure that any signs of gum disease are identified early enough for effective intervention.

Taking the Best Care of Your Dental Implants

With the right care at home and the dental care you need from your dentist, dental implants can last a long time. Even 15 years after placement, the survival rate for dental implants is 94%.If you have a missing tooth or missing teeth, you can visit Dixon, Boles, and Associates to find out more about dental implants. We’re your dentist in Wilson, NC, for dental implants and other restorative treatment options. We also provide the preventive care you need to maintain oral health with implants. Schedule your appointment today.

Dixon Boles & Associates