8 Important Things to Consider Before Getting Dental Implants

Know what you need to before getting dental implants

What You Should Know Before Dental Implant Surgery

If you have one or more missing teeth, dental implants are a fantastic restorative dentistry solution for permanently restoring your smile. For many people, dental implants will be the most extensive dental care procedure they’ve experienced, at least since they got their wisdom teeth out.

While dental implants are absolutely worth the time and energy that goes into them, it’s important to feel mentally and physically prepared before the actual procedure takes place. This ensures you’re confident and eager to move forward with restoring your beautiful smile.

Here are 8 big things to think about before your big day.

1. Dental implant success is largely dependent on your dentist’s expertise.

Dental implant surgery has an extremely high success rate — over 95% during the first five years. The key to having a pleasant experience before, during, and after dental implant surgery is choosing a dentist who is gentle, experienced in dental implant placement, and keeps up with advances in placement techniques.

2. If you have health factor risks, getting a second opinion can give you peace of mind.

There is nothing wrong with getting a second opinion, and a great dentist will understand if you choose to seek a second opinion. Dental implant surgery is a big deal, and it’s important you feel confident before you agree to the procedure. If you have some health concerns or you’re not sure if dental implants are the best choice, look for an experienced dentist or prosthodontic who can give you their opinion.

3. Giving up certain lifestyle habits pre-surgery will have long-term benefits on your dental implant.

Some lifestyle habits can be detrimental to dental implants as well as general oral health. These include smoking, vaping, tobacco use, excessive alcohol, and poor nutrition. Postponing your dental implant surgery until you can address these habits is worth the extra time. Not only will it drastically lower the chance of implant failure, but it will also ensure healthier teeth and gums for years to come.

4. You’ll need to adopt a soft foods diet for a couple of weeks during the initial healing period.

A benefit of dental implants is that they allow you to eat all of the same foods you love and have a natural bite force for chewing. But this is after implants are fully healed. During the first two to four weeks post-surgery, you’ll need to stick with a soft food diet and be very cautious of any food that is hard, crunchy, or sticky.

5. Necessary bone grafts can add three to four months or more to your overall treatment time.

Bone grafts build up jawbone density, allowing your dentist to safely place an implant post with a very high rate of success. However, bone grafts can add a few months of time to your overall treatment plan. Some techniques may allow for a simultaneous bone graft and post placement, but traditionally you will need to have a bone graft first, wait a few months for healing, and then have the post placed. 

6. Just because you may not be a candidate now doesn’t mean dental implants are off the table in the future.

If your dentist has determined you’re not an ideal candidate, this doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t achieve candidacy down the road. By reducing lifestyle risks or gaining control of a previously uncontrolled health condition, you could very well be reevaluated and find that you can now safely receive dental implants.

7. General discomfort is normal and you may want to take a couple of days off work post-surgery.

Pain tolerance is a very personal thing, so it isn’t possible to say if healing after dental implant surgery will be easy or tough. However, because a dental implant requires oral surgery and a post is being implanted in bone, it’s natural for there to be more discomfort compared to a dental crown or even an extraction.

Even if you don’t feel much discomfort post-surgery, your body will be in a state of stress as it recovers. For these reasons, it’s not a bad idea to take two days or so off work to rest and relax. Your body and your immune system will thank you.

8. Dental implants are one of the most expensive dental restorations, but they are well worth the investment.

You might not think twice about getting a dental filling, but the cost of a dental implant may make you think twice. Many people are on a budget these days, but rest assured that if you move forward with a dental implant, you will find it to be an incredible investment. Not only are they the more natural-looking and feeling prosthetic option, but they will outlast other restorations, saving you money in the long run.

Ready to move forward with dental implants?

When you’re ready to take the first step toward dental implant surgery, all you need to do is book a consultation at Dixon, Boles and Associates. Our experienced team will guide you through every step of your dental implant journey as well as cover your other general and preventive care needs. To schedule your dental implant consultation, you can either call our Wilson, NC, office or use this online form.

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