4 Points To Consider if You’re Curious Whether Invisalign or Braces Is the Right Fit for You

Invisalign vs. braces

If you have crooked or misaligned teeth, braces are the best solution for a straighter, more confident smile. But the decision to get orthodontics is not one to take lightly. There are many considerations to take under advisement. However, the most crucial decision is whether to get traditional metal braces or use Invisalign clear aligners. Read on for what you need to know about Invisalign vs. braces.

Invisalign vs. Braces: What’s the Best Choice for You?

About four million people in the U.S. have braces, and about 25% are adults. Braces can seem intimidating to some but are often the best choice for the following orthodontic conditions:

And though braces are highly-effective, deciding on Invisalign vs. braces can sometimes seem daunting. We’ve tried to make it easier for our patients and readers by highlighting the key points you should consider.

1. Age

While clear aligners are a safe and discreet solution, they are often not best suited for kids. Using Invisalign requires discipline, as the trays must be worn for at least 22 hours daily to be effective. Many kids and teens have not yet developed the level of responsibility to take their aligners out for brushing and eating and to effectively clean the aligners before putting them back in their mouths.

We’d also be remiss not to mention that we receive calls from dozens of parents each year, telling us their kids threw out their retainers with their lunch remains at school, never to be found again. The same holds true for aligners—they tend to get tossed or damaged by accident.

Kids need to understand that their treatment time will increase if they don’t wear their aligners as directed. Young kids are also less willing to keep aligners in at the beginning during the adjustment phase. And while many parents want to take on the responsibility of helping their kids care for and remember to wear their Invisalign braces, they often find that to be more difficult to manage than anticipated.

While clear aligners work for kids, don’t get us wrong, a more permanent solution, such as metal braces, may be the better choice.

2. Severity 

We generally recommend braces for patients with severely crooked teeth. Invisalign clear aligners are best for adults who want a nearly invisible and more comfortable straightening method, as long as the teeth aren’t too crooked. But metal braces provide more force to move your teeth into the desired position. Invisalign is limited in terms of how many teeth can be moved at a time.

  • Invisalign is well suited for adults with an overbite, underbite, crossbite, open bite, or gaps between their teeth.
  • Metal braces are better suited for kids and adults with severe malocclusion or where teeth are too rotated or too short.

So, if you have a severely misaligned bite, metal braces are recommended over Invisalign.

3. Appearance

Though the decision to get Invisalign vs. metal braces should focus more on the amount of work you need, we understand that appearance matters. If you need mild to moderate orthodontic work done and want a comfortable, nearly invisible option, Invisalign might be the right choice.

The biggest benefit patients find with Invisalign is that they are clear. Though they aren’t visible, wearing Invisalign clear aligners gives patients the discretion they desire while trying to achieve a straighter smile. Aligners need to be worn 22 hours per day, which means they can be removed to eat, brush and floss the teeth, and for the occasional social or speaking engagement. This makes Invisalign a lucrative choice for adult candidates who only require a mild correction.

4. Self-confidence

Many people underestimate the power of their smiles. But a smile makeover, such as what can be achieved with Invisalign or braces, is well worth it. Straighter teeth are not only aesthetically pleasing but will also give you better function and improve your oral health (not to mention your overall health). But perhaps even more so, clear aligners are a great boost to your self-confidence because they are less visible than traditional metal braces. This means you can straighten your teeth and feel great about yourself while you do it.

With the straighter smile you can achieve after braces treatment, you won’t be able to help but smile.

Your orthodontist in Wilson, NC can help you decide—Invisalign vs. braces.

If you’re still wondering whether to get Invisalign vs. braces, don’t fret. That’s why we’re here. Dixon, Boles & Associates, your orthodontist in Wilson, NC, has helped patient after patient achieve happier, healthier, and whiter smiles with braces. We’re confident we can help you too. 

We offer the gentle care and comprehensive dentistry you desire and deserve. And you’ll see results you’ll love. To get started, request an appointment today.

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Dixon Boles & Associates