Orthodontics Is Art: Get the Best Orthodontist in Wilson, NC, for Your Needs

Get orthodontics done by your Wilson, NC, orthodontist.

Orthodontic Treatment Can Change Your Life

When you smile, do you feel empowered and proud or do you feel self-conscious and embarrassed? Orthodontics can straighten your teeth, bring balance to your smile, and help you achieve a new level of self-confidence you never thought possible. 

Here’s why orthodontic care is truly an art form and how you can benefit from pursuing this popular form of dental care.

Why is orthodontic care something an adult should pursue?

Orthodontic care isn’t just for kids and teens. Roughly 25% of orthodontic patients in the US are adults who’ve decided to straighten their smile and reap the benefits. Perhaps their parents couldn’t afford braces during their childhood, or haphazard retainer wear has left their teeth looking a bit crooked. Some adult patients simply didn’t have a problem with their smile until crooked teeth began negatively affecting their confidence.

Orthodontic care can help you achieve optimal oral health and incredible self-confidence. Straighter teeth are easier to care for and clean, reducing your risk of tooth decay and gum disease when you follow a great oral hygiene routine. TMJ disorders and related pain or symptoms, like bruxism, can even entirely stop after orthodontic care. 

You might even discover that orthodontic care can help you succeed in many areas of your life that you never thought of. Consider how many people you interact with on a daily basis, whether it be at work or during personal time. A straighter smile is associated with attractiveness, success, confidence, and even trustworthiness. It isn’t a surprise that, after orthodontic care. people find themselves advancing in their careers and relationships because of their new smile and their newfound self-confidence.

How do orthodontists bring an artistic touch to smile design?

Orthodontic treatment is a fairly routine aspect of modern dental care, but because it’s such a normal thing, it’s easy to forget how much effort and care goes into designing an orthodontic treatment plan.

The true difference between a good orthodontist and a great one is the artistic approach they bring to their work. A great orthodontist is familiar with the anatomy of a smile and focuses on bringing balance to the natural shape and facial characteristics a person has when they smile. The goal isn’t just to straighten a person’s teeth, but to use clear aligners or braces as tools to create a smile that’s unique and beautiful for the patient.

An orthodontist will evaluate your face shape and how your facial muscles move your cheeks and lips when you smile. They’ll see how much gum tissue naturally shows and consider how orthodontic treatment may change the appearance of a gummy smile. Additionally, orthodontists or dentists who practice orthodontic care may also consider if a person may need cosmetic care to change the size, shape, or color of their teeth.

A big benefit of Dixon, Boles and Associates is that our team covers all the bases of any dental care you might need now or in the future. To help you truly achieve your dream smile, we may start you with orthodontic care as the first step in a broader smile makeover treatment plan. Clear aligners even make it possible for some cosmetic dentistry to take place during your treatment plan.

What orthodontic care is available at Dixon, Boles, and Associates?

Our team provides orthodontic care for all ages, but our adult patients will be most interested in Invisalign and traditional braces. We have two dentists who can provide Invisalign care, while our orthodontist Dr. Berndt handles both Invisalign and traditional braces cases.

Invisalign is hands down the most popular orthodontic solution for adults. It’s hard to beat its overall effectiveness, shortened treatment time, and the huge advantage of being nearly invisible to everyone around you. You’re likely a candidate for Invisalign if you have a moderate malocclusion and well-shaped teeth that will support the aligners. 

Traditional braces are the alternative to Invisalign. Although it’s understandable why most adults don’t want to wear wire braces, sometimes it’s the most reasonable option for straightening teeth or solving more complex malocclusions. Traditional braces can solve a wider array of issues than Invisalign, and can sometimes be more efficient at moving teeth than aligner trays, especially if a person has short, rounded teeth.

Start your orthodontic journey by scheduling a consultation.

The first step toward a straighter, healthier smile is booking a consultation with one of the best orthodontists in Wilson, NC. If you’re already an established patient with one of our dentists, and a candidate for Invisalign, you can book a consolation with your regular dentist instead.

Your consultation is the perfect time to ask as many questions as you’d like about orthodontic treatment and get a realistic idea of how long treatment could take for your smile. Dr. Berndt or one of our dentists will thoroughly evaluate your smile through a visual inspection and X-rays to determine which orthodontic solution is right for your needs. Once your perfect treatment plan has been decided, you’ll return for your first treatment appointment.Schedule your orthodontic evaluation today by calling our office or requesting a visit online.

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Dixon Boles & Associates