10 Reasons Why You’re Getting Cavities Despite Your Best Efforts

Why do I get cavities

Constant cavities getting you down?

Nobody wants to deal with cavities. That’s why it’s important to take the time to pay attention to your oral health. However, it’s possible to still have cavities, even with a consistent oral health routine.

If you or your child is dealing with constant cavities despite seemingly doing everything right, there are a few simple questions you can ask yourself to find out what areas might need improvement.

1. Are you really brushing properly?

If you’re asking, “Why do I get cavities even though I brush and floss?” then one of the first things you should look into is whether you’re really brushing right. First, are you brushing for a full two minutes each time? Time yourself to check. You could be surprised.

You should also be careful to ensure that all sides of each tooth are properly brushed, and remember to floss as well. Taking a closer look at your routine could reveal the cause of your constant cavities.

2. Could you be dealing with acid reflux?

If you find yourself dealing with sensitive and soft teeth, the cause could be acid reflux. Acid reflux is when stomach acid flows backward into the esophagus, causing the burning sensation better known as heartburn.

Even small amounts of acid that reach your mouth can quickly erode enamel. Watch out for signs like frequent sore throat and discomfort after eating that could indicate acid reflux.

3. Are you breathing through your mouth?

Breathing through your mouth rather than your nose can contribute to tooth decay. Your mouth dries out and the pH balance shifts, providing better conditions for the bacteria that cause cavities.

You might breathe through your mouth throughout the day or at night. Breathing through the mouth is common in individuals with sleep apnea and other conditions that cause you to wake up with a dry mouth.

4. Could your medications be a factor?

A dry mouth can also be caused by a variety of medications. Check to see if any of your medications cause dry mouth. If so, it can contribute to tooth decay.

You should ask your doctor about alternative medications if this is the case. Cavities are serious and can lead to a tooth infection and even extraction over time, so it’s worth taking the time to speak to your doctor.

5. Are you snacking too often?

The bacteria that cause tooth decay rely on sugar from the food you eat. These bacteria eat bits of food and use that energy to grow and multiply. All the while, they’re secreting acid that wears away at the enamel.

If you’re snacking consistently, the bacteria in your mouth have a consistent source of food to grow all the time. This can make you more prone to cavities compared to individuals who stick to three meals per day.

6. Do you prefer acidic drinks?

If you’re still wondering why you get cavities even though you brush and floss, the answer could be in what you drink. Today, various drinks are a major factor in tooth decay. Sugar content alone is a major concern, but many drinks are also highly acidic.

Of course, soda is a major concern because it’s both sugary and acidic. Coffee is also acidic, and you could be doing more damage by slowly drinking it over a long period of time, which provides a steady source of food for bacteria.

7. Could bits of food be stuck in your teeth?

Even if you aren’t snacking through the day, you could still find yourself with bits of food stuck to your teeth. This is particularly common in children, who are less effective in removing bits of food from their teeth with their tongues like adults do. Drinking water after eating is a good start to prevent this.

8. Are you using the right toothpaste?

To avoid cavities and toothaches, you should make sure to use toothpaste with fluoride. Fluoride remineralizes enamel, preventing the early stages of tooth decay.

9. Are you keeping up with regular visits?

Regularly visiting your dentist is essential for preventing cavities as well. Dental cleanings remove plaque and tartar that even proper brushing can’t fully remove.

10. Does your child always have a bottle or sippy cup?

If you’re concerned about constant cavities in your child, you should consider whether they’re frequently drinking from a bottle or sippy cup. Constant contact with milk or juice lets bacteria grow very quickly, so try to discourage constant sipping as opposed to drinking more quickly.

Get the care you need from your local family dentist.

The team at Dixon, Boles, and Associates is here to provide for all of your family’s dental needs in Wilson, NC, whether it’s preventive care, dental fillings for cavities, or any other dental procedure. Contact our office today to schedule your appointment.

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Dixon Boles & Associates